
How to Join

You must be employed in a Union shop for at least 30 days in order to apply for membership in the Union. After the 30 days are up, talk to your employer to advise him of your intentions, then come into the local office to fill out a membership application.

Health & Welfare: Active & Retirees

Unifor Active Member Plan Booklet.pdf
Unifor Retired Member Plan Booklet.pdf

Pensions & Benefits

Benefits are not standardized throughout the local and may vary from shop to shop. Consult your collective agreement and shop steward for questions regarding which plant(s) apply to you. For specific information on the benefit plans, please call the staff at the local office.

Union Dues

Your union dues will be taken as a source deduction by your employer and remitted directly to the union on your behalf. Rates may vary from time to time, as the membership have the authority to raise or lower rates through the democratic process.

Dues are split into two parts. One portion is forwarded on your behalf to the National Union and the remainder is retained by the Local to fund the day-to-day operation of the Local (such as negotiations, mediation and arbitration).

Collective Agreement

Your collective agreement is the document which specifies the terms and conditions of your employment. We try to keep them as standardized as possible but some variations do occur, so be sure when consulting a collective agreement that you are looking at the current one for your shop.

When you receive your collective agreement, read it, and become famiiar with the contents. Subsequent rounds of collective bargaining will produce changes, some of which may be subtle but nonetheless important. When your collective agreement is renewed (and the drafts verified and printed) you will receive a new copy from your shop steward.

General Membership Meetings

The Local shall have at least six (6) regular membership meetings (no less than every three (3) months) each calendar year. Meetings shall be scheduled in accordance with the bylaws throughout the jurisdiction of the Local with a minimum of one (1) meeting scheduled in Edmonton, Vancouver, and on Vancouver Island. Notice of meetings shall be sent to all stewards for posting at least two (2) weeks prior to the scheduled meeting date.