Organizing: Join Now


  • Do you have an effective say in your workplace?
  • Are you satisfied with your present working conditions, wages and benefits?
  • Are you treated fairly; with dignity and respect?
  • If you answered NO to any of these questions and would like to improve your working life and provide a decent future for your family, there is only one solution . . . you need to have a union collective agreement with your employer.
  • Ask yourself this question. “Am I ready to take the necessary steps to gain some control, dignity and fairness in my workplace?”
  • If the answer is YES, contact Ray Wade, Organizer Unifor Local 780G. All inquiries are completely confidential. We will take as much time as you need to answer any questions that you and your co-workers have about Unifor and what it will take to achieve union representation at your workplace.

Join the thousands of women and men who make up the membership of Unifor and who recognize that it makes sense to bargain collectively with their employer rather than as individuals.

Contact RAY: Toll Free: 1-800-876-5171  Cel: 780-668-6400 Email:

Complete confidentiality assured

Submission Form

Please fill in this form; we’ll answer your inquiry at the first opportunity. Note that fields marked with (*) are required.

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