Unifor Local 780G

Unifor is made up of over 300,000 brothers and sisters in nearly every industry in the private and public sectors across the country.

Unifor Local 780G is the result of a recent merger that brought together long established Locals in BC and Alberta. Our Local president, brother Alex Charles, is the full-time officer of the local based out of Vancouver, while our executive vice-president, Ray Wade is the full-time officer out of Edmonton.

Our Union is the largest union in several key sectors of Canada’s economy, including forestry, energy, telecommuni- cations and media. Our Union has 300,000 members who live and work in small rural communities, and in large urban centres, from St John’s, Newfoundland to Victoria, BC. They work in pulp and paper mills, telephone companies, mines, energy centres, sawmills, newspapers, printing shops, chemical plants, school boards, construction, software companies and credit unions. They are oil and gas workers, radio and television broad- casters, computer programers, health workers, journalists, and truckers. Unifor members work at a wide range of occupations in almost every industry in Canada.