Queen’s Printer Farewell – Part 1

Unifor-Local780G_News-QueensPrinter2On Friday February 20, our local said goodbye to the first wave of people leaving the Queen’s Printer after the BC Government decided to out-source the work being performed in the print production area. After 155 years of producing government printing, the press, bindery and digital print operations will cease on June 12, 2015.

This will mean a loss of approximately 26 local 780G and local 2000 members. Half of the 26 members went on Friday and a ceremony was held on the plant floor with speeches from management and a video presentation showing some of the work performed in the plant.

A gathering at the James Bay Inn Pub followed. There were a lot of retired members in attendance so it turned into a bit of a reunion too. There were lots of hugs, tears and laughter as members remembered the work and camaraderie that was shared over the many years the Queen’s Printer has been in production.

